Monday, November 9, 2009

“Fashion Spree and Green Tea”

Media Contacts:
Beth Rohlfes or Barbara Dolder,    (916) 783-4117

Roseville Arts and the Blue Line Gallery going green with
“Fashion Spree and Green Tea”
December 6, 2009

ROSEVILLE, Calif., November 9, 2009—Roseville Arts is teaming up with ReNew Boutique to present a fashion show and tea with a twist! With the theme of sustainability, the fashions will consist of gently used clothing, tables decorated with original pieces of recycled art, and many surprises. The event will be held on Sunday, December 6, 2-5pm, at the Blue Line Gallery in the heart of downtown Roseville.  The public is invited to purchase tickets available now on-line or at the gallery.

Who:  Roseville Arts at the Blue Line Gallery
What:  “Fashion Spree & Green Tea”--A fashion show and tea –a fun afternoon of fashions from ReNew Boutique (benefitting homeless women and children in the Acres of Hope program) locally grown food, teas from An Afternoon to Remember, prizes & surprises.
When:  Sunday, December 6th, 2:00pm-5:00pm
Where: Roseville Arts Blue Line Gallery,   405 Vernon Street, Roseville, California
Why:  A creative way to increase the awareness and the importance to reuse and recycle in our community through an entertaining fashion show and tea
Cost: Ticket Cost:  $25 per person.  Available on line at , in person at the Blue Line Gallery, or by phone: 916-783-4117.

Proceeds benefit children and family arts programs presented by Roseville Arts in support of its mission: “Creating a vibrant community through the arts.”  Sales of fashions from ReNew Boutique benefit homeless women and children participating  in the Acres of Hope program
Co-Chairs of the Fashion Spree and Green Tea event, Kelly Peterson and Valerie Bowman are excited about bringing this new event to the community,  “We are creating an event that not only reminds people of the importance of sustainability in our community, but one  at which everyone will have a lot of fun!

In addition to exceptional teas and goodies, ticket holders are in for some very special treats! 
·         A coupon for a FREE tea seating valued at $18.95 from A Dash of Panache located in downtown Roseville
·         Chances to win raffle baskets from local businesses including: A Dash of Panache, ReCreate, Willo Salon, Just B Cosmetics, An Afternoon to Remember, Layers of Color, Lorraine Schill Interiors, Gayla’s Interiors, Stephanie Sherwood,  Eco Chic Design, Kari Hagensmith and more
·         Charmaine Austen is creating and donating an up-cycled tie coffee sleeve to anyone signing up for a new membership to Roseville Arts
·         A 20% discount on selected items in the Blue Line Gift Gallery including beautiful one-of-a kind holiday decorations—choose from a wide assortment of decorations from the Blue Line silver tree
·         Guests will be encouraged to purchase fashions seen in the show, available for try-on at the Gallery.  In addition, 100% volunteer run, ReNew, located just a few short blocks from the Blue Line Gallery will offer an in-store discount for all attendees directly following the event.    Proceeds from clothing sales at ReNew benefit homeless women and children in the Acres of Hope program.
·         Recycled artistic tea cup centerpieces for sale (great for gift giving)

The fashion show will consist of gently used clothing and accessories provided by ReNew Boutique at 201 Walnut Street in Old Roseville.   Emcee for the afternoon, Kari Hagensmith, will introduce volunteer models and provide direction while keeping the audience well entertained.  Women and young adults from the community are slated to serve as models, including Mayor Gina Garbolino and one of the newest graduates from the Acres of Hope program with her two children.  Hair and makeup is generously furnished by Willo Salon Spa in The Fountains at Roseville and Just B Cosmetics.   An Afternoon to Remember is donating gourmet tea and several of the recipes to be enjoyed during the afternoon.

Tickets are $25 per person and are limited due to the amount of available seating. A table for eight is just $200 and guarantees sitting with friends.  For more information or to purchase tickets visit , call 916-783-4117, or stop by the Blue Line Gallery, 405 Vernon Street located on the first floor of the city parking garage.

Roseville Arts’ Blue Line Gallery is a non-profit community center for the arts.  Further information may be obtained on the website: or by calling (916) 783-4117. To set up an interview or to request high resolution photography, please contact Veronika Nagy at

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