Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Art of Volunteering by Ursula Johnson

My entire adult life has evolved around volunteerism. No one ever coaxed me into working anywhere for free; I wanted to give of myself. Others out there need others!

When our children were in grade school, there was an art appreciation program needing volunteers to bring "art" to the classroom. I was lucky: San Rafael city schools provided the materials - prints by famous artists - so our work was easy. All we had to do was explain the work and the importance of art. My reward was priceless: the interests shown by the children, their alertness, their honesty, their willingness to share their thoughts. I believe I am a better person for having participated.

For over 20 years I volunteered my time to Marin Society of Artists in Bay Area, on Board of Directors, Vice-president, Artist's Advisory Council, workshops, jurIes, and mostly, the hard labor of hanging shows. The latter clings to me and guides me in what I enjoy doing in Blue Line Gallery. My muscles may not be what they once were, but the desire to help create and pull together a group of art works, still is as challenging as in the past.

We, as artists, have a chance to prove ourselves and our profession, not as opportunists, but as people willing to promote a renaissance in creativity, thinking, and giving!   

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