Monday, February 1, 2010

Historic Haman House for SALE

Media Contacts:
Barbara Dolder 
(916) 783-2339

ROSEVILLE’s Historic Haman House up for sale
101 year old landmark, the former home of Roseville Arts

ROSEVILLE, Calif., January 28, 2010The Historic Haman House, located in downtown Roseville at 424 Oak Street is up for sale. 
The home, which dates back to 1909, was purchased in 2003 by Kobra Properties, Inc. from Roseville Arts.  Some of the proceeds were used by Roseville Arts to build the Blue Line Gallery, and provide program funding for art exhibitions, school tours, shows and classes.  Kobra Properties declared bankruptcy over a year ago, and, in collaboration with Roseville Arts, the Chapter 11 Trustee is willing to accept offers for the home from qualified prospective purchasers.
                 Circa 1909 Haman House, 424 Oak Street, Roseville, CA

“We are very excited about what the release of capital from the Haman House will provide to Roseville Arts and our community” said Ramak Fazeli, President of Roseville Arts.  “Over the past two years, the Blue Line gallery has attracted thousands of attendees from all over the region to downtown Roseville, to participate in our show openings, exhibits, classes, and to experience art like they never have before.  The shows we have lined up in the future will be just as ground-breaking, as our fantastic Curator Beth Rohlfes shows no signs of slowing down.  These funds will provide additional support to our children’s art education programs, and our community outreach,” Fazeli said.

The Chapter 11 Trustee will be accepting and reviewing offers to purchase the historic landmark property over the next 45 days.  If the Trustee determines that he will move forward on this property, the sale will be subject to Bankruptcy Court approval.  Interested parties may request additional information and documentation concerning the asset and the sale by contacting: MARK F. THOMANN and/or STEVEN L. VICTOR, the Chapter 11 Trustee at Development Specialists, Inc., Suite 2300, 70 West Madison St., Chicago, IL 60602. Office: 916-746-0559.

The Historic Haman House

William Haman came to Roseville in 1906 to serve as superintendent of the Roseville Ice and Beverage Company.  In 1909 he built his historic home.  It is a year remembered in Roseville, as this was also the year the City of Roseville was incorporated. Mr. Haman died in 1935, but the Haman home was occupied by his family until 1968, when his second wife died.  After the house stood vacant for some years, it was purchased in August of 1974 from his granddaughter by Roseville Community Projects, Inc. dba “Roseville Arts Center.”  (The corporate name of Roseville Community Projects, Inc  was changed to Roseville Arts in 2006).

Roseville Arts Center was started by a group of dedicated volunteers with the dream of promoting the Arts in all areas; music, dance, drama, as well as painting, drawings and sculpture.  They also worked to preserve the written history of our community through the publication of three books on the history of Roseville written by Leonard M. “Duke” Davis.

The original Arts Center opened in 1969 in an empty Bank of America Building in Old Town Roseville and moved several times before the purchase of the Haman House in 1974 as a permanent home. After extensive remodeling; with the help of the business community, the building community, and a dedicated group of volunteers, the Haman House was opened to the public in 1976.  On November 17, 1976 it was listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.

In 1987, property adjacent to the Haman House was purchased and developed.  This was accomplished completely through community in-kind donations of architectural plans, materials, construction and landscaping.  In 1990 the “June Wanish Performing Arts Pavilion” and garden was dedicated.

In 1992 a loan through the Roseville Redevelopment Agency and additional grant funding was provided to complete upgrades and repairs to the Haman House. The restoration included roofing, refurbishing of the wrap around porch, plumbing and painting to the exterior.  The project received a Revitalization Award from the Roseville Chamber of Commerce in 1994.

In 1999 utilizing $25,000 in funding from community donations the Haman House Accessibility Project was completed.  Ramps and interior modifications to meet ADA requirements were added in compliance with both ADA and the National Registry of Historic Places guidelines.

In 2001 the “Art House Children’s Gallery” located on the Haman House’s first floor was completed.  Funding in the amount of $27,000 acquired from the Roseville Galleria Children’s Tile Wall Project in partnership with The United Way was utilized to convert the Haman House first floor into a professional gallery for the display of children’s art. 

The Haman House remained the home of Roseville Arts for 30 years and provided the region with well-received exhibitions and events.  Many area residents still hold fond memories of the Victorian structure.  Though remembered for its charm and the multitude of culturally inspired events that took place over the years, with the increasingly dramatic growth in Placer County, the Roseville Arts Board of Directors recognized that its facility had to change significantly in order to continue its mission:  “Creating a vibrant community through the arts.” In 2003 the Board of Directors decided to sell the property, because they knew it was time to look to the future, to the changing needs of the community.

Once again, the organization called on a generous community to help it realize its mission by launching a successful capital campaign to raise funds to complete its current state of the art facility--the Blue Line Gallery in February of 2008. 


Roseville Arts’ Blue Line Gallery is a non-profit community center for the arts.  Further information may be obtained on the website: or by calling (916) 783-2339.


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